Research Manager für NLP- und ML-Fokussiertes Projekt zw. ÖFAI und ChatGrape

  • Original-Eintrag:

    Typ: Full-Time
    Verhandlungsbasis :50.000 € Brutto
    Ab: ASAP

    As a Chief Research Officer you will:

    • Work with our research partners to turn the latest research results from the AI and NLP field into features that people can use every day
    • Build models and validate them with real data
    • Use and extend open source and in-house NLP Tools
    • Write code with Python and other programming languages

    Minimum qualifications

    • MSc degree in Computer Science, Maths or similar or equivalent practical experience.
    • Experience with AI, NLP and machine learning

    Preferred qualifications

    • Practical experience with Natural Language Understanding
    • Django/Python experience

    Write us a mail with a brief text about you, a picture of a scatterplot (to make sure that you are able to fully read our job descriptions), CV, if you have one, and (most importantly) links to previous projects and GitHub accounts.


    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von toshimitzu (29. April 2015 um 10:54)

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