Fully-funded PhD positions in Computer and Data Sciences at IST Austria

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  • Dear Colleague,

    The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is looking for highly qualified candidates to apply for our ISTScholar PhD program. We offer fully-funded PhD positions in the natural and mathematical sciences in a world-class research environment on the outskirts of Vienna. The research topics that might interest students in your department include:

    Computer Science

    • Alistarh Distributed Algorithms and Systems
    • Bickel Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication
    • Chatterjee Game Theory and Software Systems Theory
    • Edelsbrunner Algorithms, Computational Geometry and Topology
    • Henzinger Design and Analysis of Concurrent and Embedded Systems
    • Kolmogorov Computer Vision and Discrete Optimization
    • Lampert Computer Vision and Machine Learning
    • Pietrzak Cryptography
    • Wagner Discrete and Computational Geometry and Topology
    • Wojtan Computer Graphics and Physics Simulation

    Data Science & Scientific Computing

    • Barton Mathematical Models of Evolution
    • Bickel Computer Graphics and Digital Fabrication
    • Guet Systems and Synthetic Biology of Genetic Networks
    • Hannezo Self-Organizing Principles in Biological Tissues
    • Kolmogorov Computer Vision and Discrete Optimization
    • Lampert Computer Vision and Machine Learning
    • Tkačik Biophysics and Neuroscience
    • Vicoso Sex-Chromosome Biology and Evolution
    • Wojtan Computer Graphics and Physics Simulation

    Our PhD program is characterized by innovative training with a special focus on interdisciplinarity, close mentoring by outstanding faculty within small research groups, and access to first-rate facilities. Students spend the first year completing coursework and rotations before choosing a thesis group and passing the qualifying exam. Our PhD graduates have gone on to top positions in academia and industry all over the world.

    Students with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field are encouraged to apply. We offer internationally competitive salaries co-funded by an EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant, full health benefits, and subsidized on-campus housing in the first year.

    For more information about the ISTScholar PhD program and application process, as well as faculty profiles, please visit our website at http://phd.ist.ac.at, or come to our Student Open Day on November 17th (register at: http://ist.ac.at/studentopenday).

    Lab Tours | Meet the Profs | Campus Tours | Internships | PhD Program | Think & Drink Talk
    Register here for the Student Open Day: http://ist.ac.at/studentopenday
    Download our 2018 PhD open call flyers here: https://phd.pages.ist.ac.at/downloads/

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    Gross salaries for PhD students range from 2111 to 2567 EUR/month (paid 14 times a year, as of 2017), depending on whether the student is holding a bachelor’s or a master’s degree at the time of admission, and whether they have passed their qualifying exams.

    The deadline for PhD applications is January 8th 2018 for a start date in September 2018.

    Graduate School Office
    Institute of Science and Technology Austria

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