Netzwerk Piraterie (!?) via WLAN

  • das ist ein pirat:

    sonst sind es "unauthorized copies". ein wie ich finde gutes statement:
    HY: Hmmm. Then tell me what you think about pirated software.
    RMS: I don't call this copying "piracy", because that is a propaganda word. I don't think it is wrong to copy and share information. Governments can pass laws against it, but that does not make it wrong, just illegal.
    An unauthorized copy of a proprietary program has the same drawbacks as an authorized copy. If you want to make more copies and share them, you have to do it in secret; and you cannot get the source code.
    So I think that unauthorized copies are not much better than authorized copies. The only good thing about the unauthorized copy is that you avoid giving money to the owner. This is good, because the owner does not deserve a reward for making software proprietary.
    However, I can achieve the same thing by *not using the program at all*. I use free software instead.

    Willfähriges Mitglied des Fefe-Zeitbinder-Botnets und der Open Source Tea Party.

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