Hi students,
Am a new student of Univie.
Please can someone tell me how to get a room in Vienna? Or how to get someone with whom to share his/her room.
Please assisitance me.
Bitte kann jemand reden mir auf wie an finde eine zimmer in Vienna?
Mein deutsch is nich sehr ausreichend.
Help.looking For Accomodation.
- Suche
joe schwarz -
5. April 2008 um 22:27 -
you can look here: http://www.jobwohnen.at/?id=198
Thanks for the information.
Jobwohnen has no free room for starting of June 2008.
Please is there any other one?
Reply please.Thanks -
you can ask at student hostels if they have rooms.
the organisations which run hostels in vienna can be found here.or you post at jobwohnen or on other pages that you look for a room.
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 00:20
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