Kann ich mit dem IIS ein Forum einrichten? z.B. phpbb
Iis 5.0+php
- Windows
Wings-of-Glory -
24. März 2002 um 12:53 -
Hab grad was gefunden: http://www.umesd.k12.or.us/php/win32install.html#pws
FRAGE: Woher bekomme ich die neueste PHP binary distribution for windows? /EDIT: SCHON GEFUNDEN: HIER: http://www.php.net/downloads.php
Should work the same for Windows 98, just change the paths- Download the newest PHP binary distribution for windows.
- Make sure you have IIS 5 installed. You can install this with the CD using: Start..Control Panel..Add/Remove Software..Windows Components..IIS
- Extract to a directory of your choice. I suggest c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\php
- Copy php4_ts.dll to your windows\system32 directory
- Copy php.ini-dist to your WINDOWS directory...typically c:\winnt - rename it to php.ini
- Open php.ini in an editor and at a minimum change extension_dir to: c:\path\to\php\extensions
I recommend quoting your values. ie: extension_dir="c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\php\extensions"
You might also want to enable some extensions..I recommend php_mysql, php_gd and php_ldap - Start Internet Services Manager - Start..Programs..Administrative Tools..Internet Services Manager
- Best way to do this is to right click the top level icon..usually your computer name..click Properties..click the Edit button in the Master Properties box to edit the WWW Service properties.
Click the 'Home Directory' tab, then click the 'Configuration' button. Click the 'Add' button to add an Application Mapping. Click 'Browse' and find the path to php4isapi.dll as the Executable (c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\php\sapi\php4isapi.dll if you've been following my recommendations)
NOTE: You will need to change the File Type option to *.dll in the file open box. Use .php as the extension and check the Script engine checkbox. - Click 'OK', 'Select All', 'OK' and 'OK'. You should be back at the Internet Service Manager application again.
- Right click the top-level icon again and choose to restart IIS.
- To test your installation, create a file called phpinfo.php in your document root directory and stick this code inside it: <? phpinfo(); ?>
- Save the file and open your browser to: http://YOUR_IP_HERE/phpinfo.php and everything should be AOK.
- If you are running NTFS, you will need to give Execute permissions on your document root directory.
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 12:10 Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Betriebssysteme nach Betriebssysteme verschoben.
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