1. Download the FxBgbear.exe file from:
2. Save the file to a convenient location, such as your download folder or the Windows desktop (or removable media that is known to be uninfected, if possible).
3. To check the authenticity of the digital signature, refer to the section The digital signature.
4. Close all programs before you run the tool.
5. If you are on a network or have a full-time connection to the Internet, disconnect the computer from the network and the Internet.
6. If you are running Windows Me or XP, disable System Restore. Please refer to the section System Restore option in Windows Me/XP for additional details.
NOTE: If you are running Windows Me/XP, we strongly recommend that you do not skip this step.
7. Double-click the FxBgbear.exe file to start the removal tool.
8. Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run.
9. Restart the computer.
10. Run the removal tool again to ensure that the system is clean.
11. If you are running Windows Me or XP, then re-enable System Restore.
12. Run LiveUpdate to make sure that you are using the most current virus definitions.