Mobility Makeathon
19. - 20. February at Happylab Vienna
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If you’re interested in digital manufacturing or want to hack wheelchairs: We need you!
Participate in the Mobility Makeathon #HackOnWheels!
Friday, 19. Feb, 16:00 - 19:00
Saturday, 20. Feb, 10:00 - 19:00
at Happylab Vienna
It’s been done for bionic limbs, now why not for wheelchairs? During one and a half days of creative collaboration we will explore how digital manufacturing techniques (e.g. 3d printing, C&C milling, laser cutting) could revolutionize wheelchair design and transform the lives of the 65 million people worldwide who use them. All our results will be published under an open license.
Your collaborators will act as mentors, provide input and help out with projects, among them Peter Purgathofer (TU Wien), Stefan Kasberger (Open Knowledge Austria) and Rachael Wallach (director of a leading disability organization). The event is hosted by Erste Hub, BeeTwo and Factline, in cooperation with Open Knowledge Austria and Happylab.
Tickets are 100% free. We’ll provide the infrastructure as well as materials to create prototypes and models. We’ll also take care of food and drinks!