Beiträge von ssobernig

    Möchten Sie verstehen, wie die Dinge im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 zusammenhängen? Möchten Sie einen Beitrag zur Erforschung komplexer Systeme leisten? Möchten Sie erste Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Industrie und Universität sammeln?

    Wir laden Sie ein, sich für eine Doktorand*instelle im Rahmen eines Industrieprojektes zu Domain Engineering, KI und cyber-physischen Systemen zu bewerben:

    discordguildinfo/files/lib/system/cache/builder/SynDiscordGuildInfoBoxCacheBuilder.class.php at main · syntafin/discordguildinfo
    Contribute to syntafin/discordguildinfo development by creating an account on GitHub.

    Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

    Do you want to see behind the scenes of university teaching and make a difference by supporting students? We are looking for support at the Institute for Complex Systems for planning and teaching tutorials focusing on technologies for software development (max. 10 hrs/ week, €595.05 monthly, starting a.s.a.p.)

    You have decided to get your first taste of working in academia and teaching? This position is your first step.

    Please check the official job announcement for the details.

    We at the Institute for Information Systems and New Media, WU Vienna, invite applications from IT junior researchers (f/d/m) to develop and to complete successfully their doctoral research projects in the following areas:

    • Computational social sciences
    • Software engineering
    • Distributed and decentralized software systems

    The two 30-hour positions will start on 01 July 2023 and end after 6 years. Please check the official job announcement for the details and apply here (deadline: May 24th, 2023).

    Do you want to deepen your interest in Information Systems and in Software Engineering, while gaining initial experience in teaching? You are considering to become a researcher? This position opens doors to either an academic career or a later step into business.

    The Institute for Information Systems and New Media (WU Vienna) invites applications for a position as a Teaching and Reserarch Associate prae doc:

    • Part-time, 30 hours/week
    • Starting October 01, 2021, and ending after 6 years

    Check out the details at WU's job portal.

    The Institute for Information Systems and New Media (WU Vienna; and AVL
    List GmbH invite applications for a scientific and technical
    project-team position (pre-doc). The successful candidate will
    contribute to HybriDLUX (FFG #867535), a 3-year nationally funded
    industry research project on model-driven software development and
    domain-specific modeling in industry. We are looking for talented
    candidates who will join our efforts to design, to implement, and to
    evaluate lighthouse software solutions for AVL List GmbH, the
    world-leading company for vehicle test beds. In the short term, this
    position opens the opportunity to work on a dissertation project (WU
    Vienna) while actively contributing to and shaping the future of
    flagship Open Source software projects (Eclipse). In the mid term,
    HybriDLUX allows for embarking on an industry career (AVL List GmbH) or
    on a research career.

    In this job, you will ...

    • design and implement software prototypes based on Java, Eclipse, and UML
    • prepare, plan, and conduct usability studies on these software
      prototypes involving industry experts.
    • acquire a deep understanding of software-development needs in complex
      industry settings.
    • work on your dissertation project in the course of WU Vienna's
      doctoral/ PhD program, closely aligned with and backed by your project
    • assist in related research and teaching activities at the Institute
      for Information Systems and New Media.

    What we expect from you?

    • You have a Master degree (or equivalent) in computer science, software
      engineering, and/or business informatics ("Wirtschaftsinformatik").
    • You have a very good knowledge of software-engineering practices
      (architecture, design, and implementation), incl. model-driven
      software-development (metamodeling, model transformations, code generation).
    • You have a solid experience in Java development projects using the
      Eclipse IDE.
    • Methodical knowledge and skills in conducting empirical studies (e.g.,
      literature reviews, interviews, surveys).
    • Ideally: You have prior experience in applying model-driven software
      development, in particular with Eclipse and the Eclipse Modeling
      Framework (EMF).
    • Ideally: You have first experience in developing domain-specific
      software languages (DSLs) based on EMF and Xtext.

    Vienna, WU Campus

    • Position: Part-time position (30 hrs per week)
    • This pre-doc position is subject to the terms of the Collective
      Bargaining Agreement for University Staff. The month gross salary is
      €2,095.95 (30 hrs per week, 14x).
    • Working period: 01.01.2019 until 31.12.2021 (Note: start date subject
      to change.)

    How to apply:
    Send your application via, reference no. 3786,
    including the following material:

    • Letter of motivation (one A4 page max.)
    • CV
    • Relevant certificates & references, such as on your degree and on
      relevant software-development projects

    Feel free to contact stefan.sobernig[at] with your questions!

    January 23rd, 2019

    Technical research assistant (software developer)

    Submission deadline:
    a.s.a.p. until the position is filled, January 16th, 2017 at the latest.

    via Email:

    The Institute for Information Systems and New Media (WU Vienna) and
    AVL List invite applications for a research assistant/ software
    developer in the context of a 1-year nationally funded industry
    research project. We seek an individual contributing to designing and
    developing software prototyes in the context of AVL LIST and to
    conducting empirical research to evaluate these prototypes. In the
    medium term, this position opens the opportunity to embark on an
    industry career (AVL List) or a research career (WU Vienna).

    * Working period: 01.02.2017 - (can vary)

    * Working hours: flexible (e.g. 30 or 40 hours/week)

    * Position: Employee subject to the terms of the Collective Bargaining
    Agreement for University Staff (Angestellte/r gemäß
    Kollektivvertrag für die Arbeitnehmer/innen der
    Universitäten); min. income: B1 (Master) or C (Bachelor).

    * Place of employment: Wien (Graz)

    * Employer: WU Vienna in cooperation with AVL List

    * Responsibilities:

    - Designing and implementing software prototypes based on
    Java & Eclipse

    - Contributing to preparing, planning and conducting empirical studies
    on the software prototypes

    - Contributing to resulting publications based on study results

    * Required skills & qualification

    - Bachelor or Master degree in informatic, software engineering,
    and/or business informatics ("Wirtschaftsinformatik")

    - Very good knowledge of software-engineering practices (architecture, design, implementation)

    - Prior experience in applying model-driven software development (in
    particular: Eclipse, Eclipse Modeling Framework)

    - Prior experience in Java development projects

    - Very good proficiency in English (in speaking and writing)

    * Additional skills & qualification:

    - Experience in integrating the Eclipse Modeling Frameworks (EMF)

    - Experience in developing domain-specific software languages (DSLs)
    based on EMF/XText

    - Skills relevant for processing, cleansing and reporting on empirical
    data inkl. descripive statistics and statistical visualisation (R)

    * Application documents:

    - Letter of motivation (max. 1 A4 page)

    - CV

    - Relevant certificates & references (degree, one selected scientific
    writing, 1x selected reference to a relevant Java/Eclipse software-development