I'm looking for two more co-founders for a startup that I'd like to get into an incubator in Vienna (possibly one of the programs offered by the Impact Hub).
One person of the team should do things like low-level programming and PCB design (Due to that, I've posted the same also on the ET forum), and the other one (or maybe two) should develop a mobile app, and it is an advantage if they bring some know-how also in web- and DB engineering.
I've attached a document to this post that pretty much describes my endeavors with the business idea:)
If you think you like the idea, want to work on something that could do some "socially positive", still remember what it is like to be an adolescent, and last but not least, you like dogs too.. you might be interested:) You don't need a degree, don't have to be a professional, it doesn't matter in which semester you are, nor your gender at all. It is enough if you study IT and you think you have already quite some expertise at the things mentioned above. (I'm also just an ordinary WINF student at the TU.)
So if you think you're interested, just send me a message over this forum, and in case you have any questions about the concept or about me or anything, feel free to ask them. If you'd like I can send you a complete documentation of the product and the business model as well, and if you think you're still interested, we can meet in person or the way you like.
A future startup is looking for co-founders
Swirlsky -
25. Juni 2015 um 00:59 -
So.. I didn't get a single reply so far, however it seems that Frequentis is interested in the idea and I was invited to their headquarters in vienna on july 1st, and it would be nicer to show up there as a team than as an individual. So if there is someone out there who does low-level programming or mobile app dev., or thinks they could bring any other know-how to contribute with, he or she is welcomed. ...and of course if they like dogs and this quite peculiar idea I'm working on
so much time i have invested in that already that I'll push this thing into an incubator whatever i have to do for that that's for sure, but had better not doing it alone:) it is not easy that way:)
I got some feedback on the other forum so I improved the document. Here is the new one. And I'm still looking for somebody.
And lastly here is the final one. Luckily the frequentis liked it so now they are helping me getting into the inits, for which I don't know what chances I have but if I succeed I will be definitely happy indeed
P.S: I'm sorry for having started a topic no-one was interested in, but I must keep trying and trying, that's the only way as long as I'm alone with it. Besides, have a great summer
Good luck!
Well, I've sent you a PM so we can get in touch but never got an answer.
But good luck anyway, always good to have people create something different.Edit: what I don't understand, why does the dog have to carry the device and not just using e.g. the smartphone?
Sounds interesting but especially the financial part (where you explain how your project will make money) is quite a mystery to me.. Could you please elaborate this part:
ZitatThe ads are displayed to them when they are in a state of mind that they are open for any kind of new information. This way the ads are not undesirable but rather surprising hence interesting, which makes the advertising on the BLI platform more efficient.
regards, vi
Well, I've sent you a PM so we can get in touch but never got an answer.
I get an email notification when a new reply is posted in this thread but about PMs the forum doesn't seem to send me any. I'm sorry, now I see I already have three, thanks for mentioning.
why does the dog have to carry the device and not just using e.g. the smartphone?
for two reasons:
1. because I don't want that the system can be used without dogs and the only way it can be guaranteed that they are always present during these activities is by placing something on them that is able to ascertain whether it is being worn by a canine or not. The device monitors its wearer's body movements so one cannot just put it into their pocket or carry it in their bag. If they do so the system will detect that there's no dog so it doesn't let them use it.
2. because this way it can be avoided that personally identifying information get into the system. Your every activity (where you were, whom you met, what you did) appears from your pet's point of view, so you might share these things with others more courageously this way. And although others will have no idea who you are, how you look like who your friends are etc... still, if they like what your dog is doing (e.g. goes to run or hike a lot, where it does it, with what other dogs it does these things together, and what things those do....) they will most probably like you too as you actually do the same:) and they can decide to meet you. So even if they don't know anything personal about you, they know if you're a kind of person they might like.
the financial part (where you explain how your project will make money) is quite a mystery to me.. Could you please elaborate this part
This strange way of advertising can be realized because of the fact that it is an IT system that when you use, you do things in the real world instead of a virtual one and also you are in "a different state of mind":
If you use a social networking site for example or any instance of social media, you have specific things to do (you might be talking to someone, looking for somebody, seeking for specific information about an event or band, watching a video or idk) ...and ads are coming to you. whether you want them or not, whether they are relevant or not. And they even hinder you in doing things (take up much space, cannot skip them, etc) and this way they may very well be annoying. you don't want them.
The difference in my solution: Think of a billboard in the street. It is a thousand times bigger than an ad on your smartphone's screen, still it doesn't annoy you because it is not getting in your way. So in my system the advertisers can place many "virtual billboards" to anywhere in the real world and if you pass by one, your can read them on your smartphone. - and only if you want! you can turn this thing off completely if you want, but here is the difference: Why wouldn't you do that?
because you are doing an activity during which you are open for any kind of information. You walk your dog. If you'd be going to work let's say (or drive your car somewhere, going to school or to a meeting, so you have some specific to do, some aim in your activity) you don't want to feel your phone vibrating in your pocket telling you there's an ad are you interested? But dog walking is something else. You're not going anywhere, you don't have to be there in time, you can take your time, it can even get boring alone in the evening in an empty city. So you seek for input:) you seek for information, and if you discover an ad, you might even be happy that someone's talking to you
At the beginning it is a GPS-based proximity marketing. An advertiser can "place an ad onto a hofer or spar" so if you pass by the store tells you to come back tomorrow because the beer will be cheaper. In the future, as IoT becomes more prevalent, maybe an ubahn will find you with offers of the wiener linien, or even a backpack from someone's back you pass by advertising the new collection of the h&m or idk... (are they selling backpacks?:))
So.. I hope I could make it a little clearer:)
The web page is online, the facebook page is yet unpublished. Right now I'm waiting for the incubator to tell me if they have any wishes or suggestions regarding the advertising, then the facebook campaign can start. The landing page is of course never final, I'm constantly trying to reduce the amount of text and improve it.
I'm very very happy if I get any feedback doesn't matter whether it's just an "I like it" or "I think it's a complete bullshit". Really any kind of feedback helps because the idea is so strange that I'm also very unsure and I feel like in desperate need for others' opinions. I'm very very motivated but I'd like to find out whether it's because there really is potential in this concept or maybe it's just because my brain works in some weird way to think something like this could work.
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 00:15
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