scheihse dass müsen wir umbedingt ausbessern!
das ist DER thread für alles
Rageboom -
8. Juni 2006 um 20:17 -
und dennoch columbo > csi
What's the specific thread you're talking about?
Posts are only counted in the forums specific to computer science studies. (otherwise I'd soon be breaking the 10k barrier probably
Well, maybe other students might be interested in this topic, so they might not see it in a foreign student's forum. Offtopic is more suited for things that aren't directly related to studying itself.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce libero. Fusce congue neque id ligula. Fusce vel urna ut quam suscipit euismod. Phasellus nunc. Nunc egestas sagittis sem. Morbi ornare, risus sit amet tincidunt cursus, ligula nisl vulputate sem, vel rutrum libero lectus ac diam. Nam pharetra accumsan mi. Morbi egestas ante. Donec tempus, mi non iaculis rutrum, nulla tellus posuere ipsum, sed cursus nunc est eget leo. Praesent suscipit. Nullam sagittis.
Nulla pellentesque, mi eget convallis vulputate, lacus metus viverra purus, at porttitor velit arcu at elit. Etiam magna. Vestibulum malesuada hendrerit dolor. Integer tristique. Sed gravida. Pellentesque lobortis, dolor id dapibus vestibulum, felis tortor posuere tellus, eu blandit nibh ipsum non nibh. Fusce quis erat. Phasellus pretium. Fusce commodo erat et pede. Nullam eget nisi et velit commodo dapibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque sem. In cursus justo in erat. -
Den Blindtext hab ich auch schon mal verwendet
That post was about the text written by MarvinTheRobot, not yours
Otherwise my post would have been in English. -
Posts in the offtopic-subforum don't count. Your thread was moved to this subforum, so that's why your counter went down from 1 to 0.
Zitat von hal
Den Blindtext hab ich auch schon mal verwendet
Zitat von melody
my subject was talking about the possibility of modern technology(computer machine)to read the dreams a man has while he is sleeping.and video this pictures of dreams in a video screen.i had put the subject in Magisterstudium "Computational Intelligence" subforum but they moved it and put it in off topic i think.
Hi Melody,
I moved your thread to "off topic" because the "Computational Intelligence" subforum is dedicated to discussions about the specific courses of the "computational intelligence" MSc. I know it isn't off topic, but it seems that we do not have a specific subforum for such philosophical questions and so the off-topic subforum seemed the best place to talk about it.
oida mei handy is so ein gack!!!
Zitat von melody
hi,murmel.maybe you are right ,but i think you can understand that most inventions started from a philosophical question of few persons.those who invented the telephone,television,radio etc must have faced the same problem(considered as dreamers or philosophes).i can not tell you where to put my post because i do not make the rules.but here noone seems to be interested in my subject.i only wish you think again and place it at computer intelligence.thank you,melody.
do you think more people are interested in your subject when it is moved to a subforum about the "Computational Intelligence" MSc program where it doesn't belong? i can assure you that MORE people visit this subforum than the "Computational Intelligence" MSc forum.
furthermore, i do not think that any invention will start because your post is being moved to the "Computational Intelligence" MSc forum. -
Zitat von melody
hi,murmel.maybe you are right ,but i think you can understand that most inventions started from a philosophical question of few persons.those who invented the telephone,television,radio etc must have faced the same problem(considered as dreamers or philosophes).i can not tell you where to put my post because i do not make the rules.but here noone seems to be interested in my subject.i only wish you think again and place it at computer intelligence.thank you,melody.
Hey Melody,I absolutely understand that philosophical questions are the basis of every science, please don't take the movement as an offense, I just thought it would fit better in here - although I must admit that a specific subforum for interdisciplinary/philosophical questions would be even better, but unfortunately such questions don't arise often here - I know "off-topic" sounds harsh for such a question in a computer science forum, but in this case, it doesn't mean "off topic" to the computer science, but "off topic" to the discussions about the studies here. It's just that usually topics in the specific study forums address the specific courses while more general topics are addressed in subforums like the "off topic", "software" or "hardware" forum.
As for the amount of people interested in your subject, as you can see there is still a link in the CompInt subforum leading to the thread, so in reality it makes no difference. As mdk pointed out, there is even a bigger chance that people read your thread now that it is in this subforum, because it has more readers not only now in the holidays, but also generally during the semester.
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