Hello Everyone,
I am writting in English because I do not know much German. Sorry about that!Anyway I would appriciate if someone would answer my question about JSIM.
I am exploring JSIM in order to perform a simulation for Sensor Network. However I am experiencing problems in compiling jsim.jmodel.NetFrame.java code. I do now unterstand why this happens because even though in the folder location of NetFrame.java ( this is me main GUI in which anyone can design a model of communication) I have included all the java and javax packages that NetFrame imports (I looked at the java code of it), I have errors in the compilation telling me that these packages are missing...
If anyone knows excactly about what I am telling, please respond!
Thanks anyway!
Java / Jsim
apoxen -
2. Januar 2007 um 00:05 -
well, i dont know anything about JSIM, but since you're having troubles with unfound packages, it should be regardless which external packages you want to use (JSIM in this case).What IDE are you using? Did you trie to build your application with eclipse or any other editor?
If you're using eclipse, did you attach the external jars in your project then?Btw.: Are you from greece?
Hello again!
Yes I am from GR.Have you ever been here??
Anyway, apart from the fact that you may not know JSIM all my problem focuces on the libraries of a java program. What I want to do is to run a GUI (the NetFrame.java program located in the folder jsim/jmodel) which will be the GUI that I will design a WSN topology and do the simulation. My problem is that even though the libraries that NetFrame imports (based on the import declarations of the code) are located in the same location with NetFrame, an error is produced by the java compiler.
I use jdk 1.5. I have not written anything in eclipse. I just want to see the GUI environment, which is the NetFrame.java program
Thanks again!
apostolis -
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 12:05 Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Programmieren nach Entwicklung verschoben.
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