ım new erasmus exchange student from turkey
ım looking a buddy from geodesy and geoinformaton engineering..:)
ist est eine student from geodesy und geoinformatik engineering?
mustafaustuner -
24. August 2009 um 11:24 -
This is quite not the right sub-forum for this case...
who can help me?
you can try this sub-forum
you can try this sub-forum
thanks but i wish ı knew more german:p -
take a look at and/or talk to the erasmus guys/girls in vienna, maybe they have a similar program (maybe they are even connected to the buddynetwork)
just found a fb group:
i think you are also at the wrong forum
here are almost computer scientiests -
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 00:19
Jetzt mitmachen!
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