Do you want to test your engineering skills dexterity and creativity in practice? Then you should not hesitate and apply for our 24 hours engineering competition. It is not only an opportunity to test yourself in a challenging environment and in skills you usually cannot test in the normal university curriculum, but also a valuable chance to get into contact with one of the companies who contribute to this event. There are big names among them like Microsoft, Cisco and Strabag.
Dates: 25.11. and 26.11.
More info: http://bestvienna.at/page/24h-engin…n-november-2010
24h BEST Engineering Competition
BEST Vienna -
3. November 2010 um 18:36 -
Is the assignment from the last contest publicly available on the internet?
Hat da schon mal jemand von euch mitgemacht? Wenn ja, was sind eure Eindrücke von dem Event?
The assignment from last time is not publicly available. Here are pictures from there though: http://picasaweb.google.com/BEST.Vienna/24hLocalEngineeringCompetitionMarch2010#
The topic was to build a 'machine' out of given materials, driven by water or wind and generate the highest voltage possible with a dynamo it was coupled to. The topic before was for example to build something to trigger a domino effect with given materials.
The topic is always announced on the day of the competition. Hope to see you there!Marius and the BEST Vienna team
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 00:19
Jetzt mitmachen!
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