Hi, do I need good replacements for photoshop and illustrator? Free or can it be paid but not as expensive as photoshop? Thanks
Photoshop and Illustrator alternativ
sausageteared -
31. Oktober 2021 um 12:59 -
For Photoshop, Gimp is very popular. Illustrator I don't know.
For Photoshop, Gimp is very popular. Illustrator I don't know.
I use Gimp/GNU, and even had to Layout some photo book with it but I have to admit that it is not a true alternative to Photoshop nor Illustrator. On MS I used a free Paint.net version, which was okay but not at all comparable to any of the professional tools.
If anyone comes up with something that runs on Linux Fedora, feel free to share
Maximilian Rupp
27. Dezember 2024 um 00:12 Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Grafik/Video nach Web-/Grafikdesign verschoben.
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